Review: X-O Manowar 61

26 May

This issue starts off in typical fashion for one featuring Aric Dacia. He strolls up to a bunch of hobos, and they don’t see anything unusual about the fact that he is dressed up a like a 19-year-old bouncer at a gay bar. Lose the ponytail, jerk!

One of the hobos has more facial hair than a homeless Ewok, and he makes friends with the big blonde-haired guy who just sat down next to him. Hey, uh, ever heard of ulterior motives. Oh, that’s why you’re on the street.

In another scene we meet the bad guy. He is one of those skinny artists who likes to push on his nose with both index fingers while he thinks. I have to admit, that is kind of scary.

Flash back to the hobos. It’s some kind of hobo street party. Everybody is sharing wine and swapping tales until Mr. Artist shows back up and drops a firebomb. Now we’re talking! It ain’t a party in that section of town until someone is on fire.

Now Aric, despite having one of the most advanced weapons on earth at his disposal, walks slowly, slowly, slowly over to confront Mr. Artist, who is just an average dude … no powers. Hobos are still on fire, BTW. Mr. Artist calls Aric some names, such as “ignorant lout.” He hit that one on the head.

Then Aric pops the guy’s head off and turns around for a dramatic pronouncement.

On a scale of 1-10, I would rate this one “very dumb.” The good news is that there was more conversation than usual, so you get a couple of extra minutes to read this.

X-O is going to run out of bad guys if he keeps killing them all every issue, though. Good thing he only has seven more issues.

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Posted by on May 26, 2011 in Aric Dacia, Comics, Reviews


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